Dan 'Big Dan' Myles

Monday 8 March 2010

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the course of the construction of my media product, I have learnt a lot about the technologies involved - especially Photoshop.

When practicing magazine construction (the preliminary task) I used primarily InDesign. I personally did not like this software very much as it gave me limited options in terms of effects and image manipulation. This is why I switched over to Photoshop when constructing my main task.I took the photos using a 12 mega pixel Kodak compact digital camera. This allowed me to get the best quality pictures in short notice without using a professional camera. Photoshop then allowed me to edit my photos how I wanted, especially the front cover image which was in serious need of a lighting effect as shown in the image below.

This gave the image substantially better quality as it looks like it was taken in a studio photo shoot. You can see the difference by viewing my original photos and my finished front cover I could use Photoshop to put effects on text to give them a greater aesthetic value, thereby attracting my audience. Examples of these texts can be see throughout my media products as shown in the image below.

The text effects used were a mix between outer-glows, drop shadows, bevels, embosses and just simple size adjustments. This again allowed me to get the best quality out of what I was trying to manipulate - making it more attractive.

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